What does 'green beauty' mean to HGO?

What does 'green beauty' mean to HGO?

Check out Honey Girl ambassador Moona Whyte's take on green beauty and why it's important to her. 

As one of the pioneers in the Green Beauty Movement, Honey Girl Organics is continuously striving to be a step ahead.

Since the birth of Honey Girl Organics over a decade ago, we've been focusing on using the safest and healthiest ingredients possible, while being beneficial and effective for your skin.

Now that the green and clean beauty segment has become mainstream, choosing green products is easy. So how does HGO set itself apart from the rest?

Ingredients First

"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" - Leonardo DaVinci. This has always been HGO's vision when it comes to a healthy lifestyle - from the food you eat to the products you put on your body. 

We intentionally keep our ingredients in their most pure and natural forms so the body can easily recognize and utilize them for their full healing benefit.

All our ingredients are 100% natural. Most of our ingredients are also certified organic. Most importantly - all our ingredients are proven to help your skin be its best!

We keep our formulas simple, by using only the ingredients that are necessary to keep skin in a healthy condition. We avoid parabens, sulfites, and petroleum-based ingredients to name just a few. Read Honey Girl Organics' top fifteen toxic ingredients to avoid.

Learn more about our amazing ingredients

Certified Organic 

When the Green Beauty segment started growing, many brands claimed their products to be 'natural' and 'organic'. These terms are not regulated in the skin care industry, so basically they do not mean much. "Green-washing" (conveying a false impression that a company or its products are more environmentally sound than they really are), is a term that has negatively impacted all the companies that are really striving to give their customers the very best products and ingredients. How can you trust that a product is natural and - more importantly - safe for you to use

Honey Girl Organics decided to become USDA Certified Organic early on. The USDA Certified Organic seal guarantees that a product contains 95% or more organic ingredients. The remaining 5% containing water and/or salt etc. cannot include GMO ingredients. The USDA regulates how the ingredients are grown and requires that farmers, producers and handlers document their processes and get inspected every year. If in doubt, look for the USDA Organic seal. 

EWG Ratings

An additional way to ensure a product being safe, is to use the EWG (Environmental Working Group)'s SkinDeep Database. All products listed in their database have gone through manual vetting and are rated based on each and every ingredient in the product (no matter % of the product). We are proud to be listed as GREEN (1-2) on their website. You can check our ratings here.

Footprint & Sustainability

Part of being a green beauty company is to care about the impact we have on our environment. Here in Hawai'i we've seen first hand the damage toxic sunscreen ingredients have made on our ocean and coral reefs.

At HGO we keep a low impact on our environment and leave as little of a footprint as possible on the planet. All our ingredients are safe for the planet and all its inhabitants. And we are of course cruelty-free - all beehive ingredients used in our products are holistically harvested. Our jars and bottles are recyclable. We recommend checking with your local community's recycling program to ensure that you can recycle glass, aluminum & plastic. The packing materials we use are either made from recycled material or is recyclable.

Honey Girl Organics strives to be a sustainable company. What does this mean? First and foremost we actively work to reduce our impact on the environment. Second, we create long-term financial value (we are not here to 'sell out') so that we can continue to do what we love. And finally, we care about our employees, customers and communities and work to make positive social change! 


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