15 Years Of Green Beauty

15 Years Of Green Beauty

Meet The Founders

Anthony, Gwen and Christina are the founders behind Honey Girl Organics. With this month being our 15th Year Anniversary, we thought it would be proper to do a re-introduction to both our new and longtime customers.  

"My life up to that point, thanks to my parents and siblings had instilled in me a ‘can do’ attitude and an interest in diverse pursuits. These included the life sciences, construction, cooking, auto mechanics, music, and teaching. I met Gwen and was smitten. We had 4 children and a wild ride through our first 20 years of marriage, at times living richly and other times close to broke.  In 1988 we moved to Hawaii and I started keeping bees and received my PhD. After our kids left for college, the nest was empty, and we had time for ourselves. We became raw foodists for many years which resulted in our bodies being more sensitive to our environment. When Gwen asked for something to save her nails. I turned to Christina, our chiropractor, and my bees. Together we came up with an organic and natural solution."

"Also, being a red head, I had sensitive skin and needed extra protection from the sun and special skincare to keep my skin healthy.  I have always searched for better skincare that worked and felt good to me.  While taking acting classes in Hollywood I sold skincare for a company whose premier product contained Royal Jelly. What a coincidence that I should meet the man who would develop the perfect skin care for me from Beehive ingredients! My husband Anthony, in his devotion to me, was always looking for ways to enhance my wellbeing and that resulted in him developing a marvelous creation that saved my troubled hands and nails from the strong chlorine in the pool. This was a life saver. The cream he developed worked so well that I asked him to create more products for the rest of me and it's how Honey Girl began."

"As a young girl I’d visit my grandmother in Germany who encouraged me to moisturize regularly and took me to many of her health oriented “pharmacies” and food stores that sold creams with healthy ingredients, essential oils etc. She often spoke of the wellness retreats she’d go on. All this sparked a strong curiosity in me to learn more about healthy lifestyles and organic and natural beauty & personal care products that avoid toxic harmful ingredients entering our bodies and environment. It inspired me to make healthier choices wherever possible, become a chiropractor and research, among other things, safe and natural ingredients. In the past 15 years of working with my partners in the Green Beauty industry, we’ve learned a lot. You shouldn’t have to be a scientist or a green beauty expert to identify a nontoxic product. Honey Girl Organics makes this easier by offering you a brand that you know you can trust on sight.”

Watch A Day With The Founders:



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